Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Try Not to Take It Personal

So I've been learning about the whole not taking emotions personally concept.

It is kind of confusing at first. I sit and listen to the Dharma talk and think, "Um, how am I supposed to not see my guilt as MINE?" Of course, my feelings completely reflect my newness in this. From what I've gathered so far your emotions are part of the experience of life, they happen to everyone. Because they happen to everyone they aren't really yours. Instead of thinking, "My guilt is crushing me," it should be more like, "Yea, I see you there guilt."

It kind of goes along with the concept that there really is no self. Well, no permanent self anyway. even in our minds we constantly change from one minute to the next. We are very literally never the same.It's hard to pin down the self when there is nothing permanent about it. I was talking to a friend last night and trying to share this with her, but I don't think it came across well.

I'll get a grasp on it eventually.

Now, I'm curious, how many people frequent my blog and find it usefull? Leave a comment, say hello! I'm not going anywhere if you don't, but I'd like to meet you guys :)

Now, back to the Buddhism.

I find the Dharma talks at Against the Stream to be so helpful. When I feel frustrated I will listen to one or I will meditate and I feel a million times better. What are your experiences with Dharma talks? Have you ever listened to one?

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