Saturday, December 15, 2012

The State of Things

I was going to post about what happened. Give my thoughts on the state of things and then, I realized, it doesn't matter what I think of this situation. What matters is that we try to change things to keep it from happening again. That we put ourselves to service to help heal the wound left behind. When I got so bogged down and upset yesterday I turned to Tonglen meditation after already doing a round of present time awareness.

After my first round of meditation I felt better, for a while. It was hard to keep things in perspective and it eventually brought me back down into suffering. So I tried Tonglen meditation for the first time. In this meditation, which is used a lot by the Tibetan tradition, you confront suffering. Instead of turning your back to it you breathe it into your heart center.It really opens your eyes to things and I recommend it.

Here is the guided Tonglen.

Here is the guided Present Time Awareness.

This morning, while baking Christmas cookies (what can I say, I'm a multitasking Angry Girl) I listened to a Dharma talk about the seven factors of enlightenment which can be found here . It really addresses some of the basics of Buddhism pretty well. Noah, as always, puts things in easy to follow terms.

I know this blog isn't as in depth as I normally get, but yesterday, as I am sure it did for you, really bogged me down. To all my readers, whoever you are, always remember to enjoy the moment you are in. You never know what can happen and it is the only way to truly live.

Also, update on meeting Ryan Hurst. Found out, by a chance conversation my husband had at work, that he will be in my area on the 5th. I am so fucking excited I can hardly stand it. Here is hoping I don't come off as some weird stalker girl and he gets why I am thanking him.

Angry Girl

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