Hi, My name is Amanda and I'm pissed at the world.
That would have been my introduction to people at large about two months ago. Hey, dealing with a life crumbling at a snail's pace will take a lot out of a girl. Don't judge. When I found Buddhism I was already trying to let go of all that anger I was harboring. It's like carrying around a giant leech that says bad things in your ear and you're all, "Ok, leech, I got this," but really you don't.
Had I known a t-shirt could change my life I would have tried to find it years ago. Through this one shirt I found so many avenues for change. At first, I was a little resistant to the idea of meditation helping me in any way, shape, or form. It was just something interesting to read about. Yea, well, we all have to stop lying to ourselves sometime, right?
The first time I sat down to meditate I fell asleep. Yep, the embarrassing kind of falling asleep. The one where your mouth is wide fucking open and a group of your husband's closest friends come over to find you cross legged in your chair, head tilted back, mouth open, out like a fucking light. Still, it must be doing something to have relaxed me so much, right?
So, I decided to try again. And I stayed awake that time. I love to use the guided meditations by Noah Levine. The Against the Stream Buddhist Meditation Society had some very helpful audio files on their homepage. Everything from Dharma talks, explained so even the biggest punk can get it and say ah-ha, to guided meditations.
Here's the link: http://againstthestream.org/audio
Now you go enjoy that. Seriously, Noah is fucking amazing.
This blog is my effort to show people things can get better. I'm just a newb to the way of the Buddha. I can tell you this though, I have never felt more content in my life than I do now. So, if you're like me and the world has got you down, but you want to let it go, keep coming by. We can take this journey together.
An Angry Girl once lived here.
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