In a lot of the talks I've listened to there is a pretty central theme about negativity; try not to do it. For me, judging others falls into the negativity pile. It's hard to be compassionate and show loving-kindness when you are judging someone.
Now, I'm not saying I never judge anyone, I'd have to go all Doby the House Elf and punish myself for spewing such bull. Judging is human nature and , just like all the other things Buddhism encourages you to go against the stream with, it's hard not to judge people.
We do it all the time. It doesn't have to be a huge thing for it to be judgmental. Going through walmart I judge a LOT, even though I try really hard not to. I know that there could be a million reasons why people dress the way they do. They could be sick. They could be poor (I know I've been there). They could just be secure enough not to give a damn. Still, I find my mind wandering and judging.
When you are actively trying not to be so negative the by product is that you realize how judgmental you really are and how judgmental and negative the people around you are. In one way it's really helpful to realize just how often you are walking around with bitchy thoughts in your head or saying bitchy things. If you are aware you can try more to stop yourself in your tracks. On the other, you can't control the people around you. If your friends and family want to be Negative Nancy's they are going to be that way. You either have to learn to deal with it or move on.
Here's a challenge for you, the next time you go to the store or just out in public in general keep track of every judgey thought you have. I bet you are shocked by the amount of negative cataloging of people you really do.
The upside to trying not to judge and be negative, as you do it less and less you actually feel better. You're happier. You actually become more optimistic about everything. It's definitely a nice change!
Later this week I will be doing a blog with all the resources I've found on child meditation and discussing how it's going with my son. If anyone has any specific things they would like me to touch on feel free to ask in the comments. I am by no means an expert, but I am more than happy to share what I've found with everyone. After all, this is my community.
I've also been thinking of changing blog platforms so that I can customize my blog more.Don't worry, BellaKarma over at Stix on the Beach let me know that I can set this one to show the new URL. Also, I will share it here if I do move. I'd just like it to reflect my personality a bit more.
I'm so happy that I have seen so many hits! Keep coming back because I am glad you're here!
Angry Girl
Great post! I did this kind of thing once for Lent and my awareness went way up. I am pretty judgey - at least inside my head. My mom always taught me to see inside someone to understand WHY they do what they do and it makes it easier to cope with it - even if it is still annoying, you can be more compassionate about it. Oftentimes really rude know-it-all people (who really get me going) are operating from intense insecurity and covering it over with a big act. When I feel insecure I just get quiet and tend to hide.
ReplyDeleteWell anyway - it's really good for us to stop and examine our thoughts - which we seldom do. And you are right -- those little things matter - even when we are cruising around Walmart. What's that saying? If you can't be trusted with the little things how can we be trusted with the big things? Something like that.